World Heritage Beer Garden Picnic system map
Katalog at Lijiang Studio November 2008.
See earlier
report and notes about mushrooms, bioremediation and making more sugars from the sun.
The Green Youth school is a developing site for
environmental education on Lashihai.
The picnic for the future? In a year or so, the baskets will have made it through the rainy season, and the mycelia will
hopefully have grown into and throughout the substrate, and possibly into the ground under the baskets,
where they will help new plants get started.
A few reflections on coming to the end of the summer: This formuation of the law exacerbated the economic divisions between urban and rural populations
and particularly left farmers vulnerable to situations where
they effectively lost land to economic demands sanctioned by the county or state, and yet lacked
the legal status to ensure they were adequately and honestly compensated. There are some people who believe this will
reduce or eliminate the kind of corruption that has been rife the past years. Others feel that, on
the other hand,
the farmers might end up losing the security their land, and their ability to grow their own food
has brought them. What is to prevent the kind of extortive speculation that occured in
other rural places in the post-communist period in eastern Europe. Our visit in Lashihai thus
ends on a
bittersweet note.
Katalog Study Group at
Lijiang Studio.
Enormous thanks to Lijiang Studio and especially Jay Brown without whose perserverance and patience and all around "game" attitude, nothing
would have been possible. Thanks also to Lisa Li for reality checks, Hu Jiamin for senstive translation,
and the generosity of the He Family, especially Xuemai, for
bringing our experience of culinary imagination and skill to new heights.
Photocredits: Jay Brown, Hu Jiamin, Lisa Li, Sarah Lewison
Five sites were
chosen to install baskets innoculated with mycelia.
This is a very local factory where they make booze from corn. People
come with their own containers to get
hooch straight from the distillery. It smells
Just up from
the Baijiu factory is a tractor repair shop, and when it
rains, oil and waste chemicals run down the driveway
into the factory yard, and a small dirt area, where we
put the mushroom baskets.
Mr. Zheng, the factory
manager, and his assistant, at left, will maintain the baskets and will build a
new garden around them.
At right you can see the pigs they keep
next door to eat the
nutritious corn left over from the process.
Mr. Chen Youngsong
has started a teaching garden and raises pigs, apples,
and chickens. The school is a resource for
learning about incorporating biogas digesters into
the small farm and maintains a library of information about appropriate alternatives
to fossil fuels.
We brought two
myceliated baskets to install at the school, where they can be included in the teaching, and gave a presentation to local
farmers and business people.
Waste water from the kitchen and the bathroom/shower
complex at Lijiang studio runs through a pipe out into
the yard where it filters, slowly, back into the water
table and the ditches intersecting the farmland. We
placed myceliated baskets at each location, and also
started a mushroom garden in two locations.
Here is where people get their water in this village- it
comes out of the ground under pressure.
People also wash everything here and the water runs off down the roadside ditch and goes into other
fields down the line.
We put a basket into the ditch where the dirty water flows out, where it might filter the water a bit, and
will definitely start a new crop of oyster mushrooms along the road.
Here there
seemed to be a kind of borderzone between a healthy young pine forest filled
with wild mushrooms, and an area that had been heavily
overgrazed, and where there was new construction, perhaps
abandoned. All the soil cover had been removed, and the
site we chose showed deep runnels from water erosion. We put baskets into
all the places that were deeply furrowed with erosion. Spreading the corn stalks and mycelia out on the
ground here would work really well too.
To commemorate the event, at last there was a picnic! Our fabulous menu included Naxi ham, grilled mushrooms,
and 2 cakes baked in the solar oven.
Ladies cooking and inaguration of "bing bao" western style beer.
Some of the most recent developments in Chinese law concern
the forests and land-ownership. The latter is
particularly important in how it will impact people's
lives. In March of last year, the National People's Congress passed
a law allowing people to sell and transfer land in the city, while leaving
rural land under the control of what still existed of the collective structures
developed during Mao's era.
Now farmers can also sell their land on the market. Perhaps there will be some
restrictions, as one official informed us, on keeping agricultural land for agricultural uses.
download our project booklets (English/Chinese)