Week 1:  Jan 31 - Feb 2 

Introduction: scale, dialectics, contradictions, why mapping now

READING: Lippard, Eco, Smithson, Boylan heights (handouts) for Thursday 2/2

For discussion on Thursday: what are the distinctions of these projects?

ASSIGNED: Exercise: Make a textual analysis of any found map. 

Due 2/9 for class discussion

READING: For 2/9: Dennis Wood, Chapter 5, the Power of Maps (handout)

                                    Geoff King, The Map that Precedes the Territory (handout)    


Week 2: Feb 7 and 9 

Representing Power: culture, convention, coding

Semiotics of the Map; discussion of Dennis Woods article

Tuesday:  visit Mapping Rooms in Library and Geography Departments

Thursday: presentation and deconstruction of found maps

Visualizing Space (projection histories, perspectives)

            Practical bias: navigation

            Resulting bias: distortion, projections

The new order (from Interpretation of Ordinary Landscape);

God vision and the grid

Blank white spaces on the map.


EXERCISE/ASSIGNMENT 1: Auto-Ethno-Cartograph: Everything you can observe about yourself onto one page of page of a paper and scanned into a digital file. Due 2/23  See handout for details

READING: For 2/14: Time and Space of the Enlightenment Project by David Harvey; excerpts: Rhizome by Deleuze and Guattari; Cybernetics (Bateson) in eReserve

Brian Holmes, Maps for the Outside http://ut.yt.t0.or.at/site/index.html


Week 3:  Feb 14 and 16

Whole Earth: complex structures, patterns and surface grooves:

Utopianism; dialectics of mapping: (simultaneously real and unreal)

Social networks and positive conspiracies

University tangente http://utangente.free.fr/anewpages/cartes.html

Explication: Matthew Ritchie, Spaceship Earth: Fulleršs: utopian visions

A. Kircher, multimedia

Interweaving Social Imaginaries: Holmes


(RESEARCH EXERCISE: Mapping displacement:  for next week- one story-use research as foundation of next map_ON hold...)

Handout. Due 3/9

READING: for 2/21: Buck-Morss from Dialectics of Seeing (eReserves), and Pickles, "the Over-Coded World: a geneology of modern mapping"



Week 4:  Feb 21 and 23: DUE:  Auto-Ethno-Cartograph: crit and discussion (catch up)
note new due dates: changes made in the map to accomodate the territory

Week 5: Feb 28 and March 2

Mapping Commodities: Whole Earth Catalog ca 1935:

Walter Benjamin and the map of the everyday. Flaneurism. Charting global consumerism through experience and observation. Ascendency of mechanical reproduction. Mapping lunch

Mapping ideational space in the cinema (View: WR Mysteries of the Organism)



READING for March 7: Foucault: Eye of Power (eReserves),

Jameson excerpt sections 5 and 6 only Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (Full Text)

Brian Holmes, Flow Maps


Week 6: March 7 and 9

Data maps and bio-coded bodies: (GPS and Mapping/Visualising Technologies

Chicago surveillance camera www.open-loop.org/public_html/surveillance_html/map.html

Photo map Japanese interment camps; Panopticon heat mapping, discussion heterotopias, panopticonic space



READING for March 14: Excerpt, Mark Lombardi



PROJECT 2: COFLO: Collaborative Flowchart
PROJECT 3: TOUR:  A tour or embodied time-based maplike-exploratory experience. Start researching; Topic; the invisible. Tours should be scheduled to avoid overlaps and be done by Week 10. Handouts for both.

Week 7:  March 14 and 16

Research, Narrativity, Unrepresentability

GIS (in class) Roberts and Schein, "Earth Shattering" from Pickles, Ground Truth

Tracking and Mapping Invisible Webs; Mark Lombardi, Horowitz

Josh On: They Rule, Bunting, Own, Be Owned, or Remain Invisible:  http://www.irational.org/heath/_readme.html, Lichty, Carnivore Network


READING for March 14:  Eyal Weizman, Military Options as Human Planning (eReserves)

optional handout J.B. Harley, New England Cartography and the Native Americans

Walking/Touring: Class Visitor Archie Angelo (this week or next)


Week 8: March 21 and 23

Cartographic identities: Boundaries, erasures, overmappings

         Finland's 500 years on the map

Privilege, position and place on the map, Place Names, Ethnic Insults, & Ideological Renaming

READING: for March 21: excerpts, Kevin Lynch, Image of the City excerpts from Situationist International texts and Kozlovsky, Beat Spaces (eReserves) (optional/fun)

Discussion/Exercise: Derive: Handout




Week 9 March 28 adn 30

Embodied Mappings and Amateur geographies and SITUATIONISTS!!

(reading and observing spaces) cognitive maps:

Wayfaring  and Interdisciplinarity-

Mapping cultural markings: Engaged research in the urban site.


READINGS for next week:

First Stutterings of Precarias a La Deriva, Sebastian and Maribel Corrubias, Adrift Through the Knowledge Machine;and Mapping memory by Lori Napoleon

date corrections stop here... for now...

Week 9: March 28 and 30

Local Research and Lines of Flight: History, time and Intimacy

Class Visitor: Erin McGonigle from Ex-plo

Personal softwares and Mind Mapping

                        FREE MIND: http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

            Charting experience and observation. 

Mapping Habitus

READ: Kabyle House or the World Upside Down by Bourdieu over WEEK VACATION; write a little bit in blog about this fascinating article. Write about it in relation to the place where you are staying. Close observation; how is this place coded?


April 4 and 6 NO SCHOOL!!!

Week 10: April 11 and 13

All remaining tours must be done over next two weeks.

Exhibition in hallway of projects to date

Due: final Project plan. Handout and Meetings

READ: Lynch: Some References to Orientation (aesthetics) and

Brody, Maps of Dreams (senses)



Week 11:  April 18 and 20

Close to the Ground: Lo and Vernacular Technologies

John Rennie Short and alternative geographies;

GPS v. LESP; dowsing: smells of London website




Week 12: April 25 and 27

Continue special and remaining topics, and research in progress


Week 13: May 2 and 4





Week 14: May 9 and 11





Week 15:  May  16 and 18